I was originally going to hunt down a picture of the Pink Panther to emphasize this case of mistaken identity, but how can you resist the temptation to show Peter Sellars’s HAIR?!
If you Google images of Peter Sellars, you can easily see the evolution of this ridiculous hairstyle. I mean, wow. And look at the suspenders.
Now, if you also Google “Peter Sellars,” the first three hits are relevant to the American theater director. Two of them are Wikipedia hits. The third is a link to the American Repertory Theatre (notice the “re” spelling).
After that, Google has
See results for: peter sellers
Then you have sites for PeterSellers.com - The Official Site of Peter Sellers, and the Wikipedia entry for Peter Sellers.
This can get a bit confusing.
I mention this state of confusion due to PBS’s GP at the Met: Dr. Atomic. Note that Peter Sellars wrote the libretto, but did not direct this Met debut, unlike its premiere. That being said, I’m looking forward to seeing the Met’s version, and then checking out the SF version from my local music library.
I also currently have Nixon in China checked out, which I still haven’t watched, and my spouse has El NiƱo on the Netflix queue.
While I have started my own John Adams-fest, I’ve noticed that there aren’t a lot of modern English-text operas out there for me (or my spouse) to enjoy. It’s a little frustrating. The next best thing I can check out are Benjamin Britten operas (which I’m not against, trust me), but the language is dated. Any suggestions for (good) English-text operas I can check out (or OhioLINK)?