david lang's (untitled)

Here is a transcript of a silly conversation I had with my love while watching the film (untitled).
Me: That's a David Lang piece!
Love: Probably. He did score the film.
Me: I know, but I know what piece that is! And I recently saw Yu-Chun perform it on a percussion recital! I think that's So Percussion playing! And that's Lisa Moore!
Me: That's another David Lang piece! I know which one that is!
Love: Jenn, they're *all* David Lang pieces. He scored the film.

Now that I've convinced you to *never* watch any films with me at home (because in a movie theater, I swear I normally do not talk during a film), I highly recommend watching it, not just for David Lang's music. (This film also uses David Lang concert pieces, kind of like "I Am Love" samples John Adams's pieces.) Why should you watch it? It's funny. (It has one of the most comical sex scenes I've seen.) And it's now out on DVD.

The film's stereotypes of composers is dead-on in places. I especially liked the use of oversized scores (and I caught myself almost using 11x17 paper when I was revising a piece for a friend of mine). And it indirectly pays hommage to John Cage and Elliott Carter.

The film also stated that sometimes composers and artists don't understand each other. This may be true. Since I'm the token composer in my advanced sound art class, I'll let you know how it goes. In the meantime, can an artist explain the inside art jokes in this film? I have a feeling I'm missing something.