did you ladies call for a ph.d in music theory?

Today I take the music theory qualifying exam, which is something I absolutely must do if I ever want my third sheet of paper. And while I curse matrices and ponder why on earth the musicologists and theorists were so bloody excited to take their picture with James Hepokoski and Warren Darcy at Steak 'N Shake in November, you can giggle at this formerly unbroken picture of a framed comic hanging in David Carson Berry's office.

Yes, I broke it. I was borrowing DCB's office while he was on sabbatical, and I was having a meeting with my TAs. During the meeting, this comic, which was hanging on DCB's cork board, took a suicidal nosedive into the wastebasket.

When I sheepishly told DCB what happened, he said, "I hope that wasn't symbolic. Maybe ladies no longer want Ph.D.s in music theory!"

Theorists are funny.