how to write an opera in 24 hours (or so I think)

Photographer: Tim Wilkerson for The Atlanta Opera
It is time to dust off this blog and mooch a story from The Atlanta Opera since it is their third annual 24-Hour Opera Project.  I do have fond memories of the event last year, and I'm sad I won't be able to participate this year.1 However, I do plan to throw a party and watch the live-streaming of the show. (Advantage: I get a good night's sleep this time around. The participants this year…not so much.)

I wish everyone luck (including my sharp and quick librettist from last year, Vynnie Meli, who is crazy enough to participate for the third year in a row), and I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing their stuff. Even though we composers may not like to crampose, sometimes we create some fantastic work under pressure.2

From last year's 24HOP: Layover by Sarah Hersh and Brad Fairchild, produced by NANOWorks.

1. Audition weekend.
2. I will keep telling myself when I write The Bubble. I guess I will need to eat lots of cocoa almond spread to get me through this month. Sob.